The Three Fates

The Three Fates
Greek mythology believed that these women controlled your fate.

Omens of Gods

Omens of Gods
The Gods thought a storm signified bad omens.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Haikus for Fate vs. Freewill

Fate is decided
Warnings by one were ignored
Caesar is no more

Dreams of death arrive
The love for one will surprise
A life says good-bye

Letters will be made
A decision is in place
Brutus will disgrace

Rae Bae

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Song Fate vs Free will

Are we victims of fate? Or do we have the power to control our own destiny? These are questions answered many times in the play Julius Caesar. Fate is the power believed to control events of some ones life. Where free will is free and independent choice. It is also said that fate and free will are coexistance.

In the song Free Will by Rush it explains to us the difference between fate and free will. It says that we have the right to choose our own destinies, rather than it be controlled by external forces. The song relates to Julius Caesar because ot was Brutus's choice to join the conspiracy to kill Caesar. The song explains how we can choose to take control of our own fates. "Men at sometime were masters of their fates. The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are umderlings.-Cassius


Poem on Fate vs. Free Will

Lost poem - Fate vs Free Will
by ~nuke-vizard

If you believe in chance then listen to this
There is a reason behind all that exists
All of life's actions you took and will take
Are nothing but steps that you had to make

Shake the hand that makes all your moves
Life is a game as the puppeteer proves
Maybe he lets you pull your own strings
If you are lucky, that's what fate brings

You must look destiny straight in the eye
And if you hear providence let out a sigh
Maybe you'll see that you have free will
And you know best whom to love and to kill

Make a choice now and please make it quick
It's all up to you which path you should pick
Stay on board, fly, defy your own fate
Just make up your mind before it's too late

Seize the moment, you know what to do
Make a better world where all works for you
Erase your past and write what's to come
Unless you believe it's already done

If you can't escape or you can't decide
If black tells you lies so you join his side
If living this life is not worth the cost
Then be not afraid, it means you are lost

The poem "Lost Poem" directly relates to the play of Julius Caesar. For example in the second verse it talks about fate. In Act II Scene II Julius Caesar basically says that you need to live life. You can not let fate control your life, you need to live it and not be a coward. In the poem the puppeteer pulls the strings, if you are not a coward he will let you live long.

Every one has to make a choice in their life, whether they are going to go with fate or free will. In Act II Scene II in Julius Caesar, Caesar is place in a situation. He either has to go with fate and go to the Capitol, or maintain his free will and stay with his wife who thinks he is going to get murdered. In the "Lost Poem" it talks about choosing a path, just like Caesar has to do with his decision. What do you think will happen?

Jimmie West

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Works Cited

"Julius Caesar Animation." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Web. 23 Mar. 2011.

Nuke-vizard. "Lost Poem - Fate vs Free Will by ~nuke-vizard on DeviantART." 2010. Web. 23 Mar. 2011. .

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

BBC Shakespeare Animated Tales - Julius Caesar - Part 1

This video is of Act I of the play Julius Caesar. This is the animated version. In this video, you see the soothsayer telling Caesar to "Beware the Ides of March". During this time period, the people all believed that life was not controlled by your actions and choices. They believed it was directed by fate. The Gods controlled the outcome of your life. They believed in omens such as storms and owls. These were considered bad omens.

The soothsayer scene is very important because it foreshadows what is to come later on. Back then if a soothsayer told you to beware they wouldn't take it lightly. Sometimes men could be masters of their fate but overall stars and gods determined the outcome. Also during Act I, Casca tells Cicero of all the omens he has seen. This shows foreshadowing that something is bound to happen. This video is the perfect way to show Act I and the connection of Fate vs. Freewill to the play.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Fate from Act I

F uture is told by a soothsayer to Caesar warning him to beware the Ides of March. He chooses to ignore this warning.
A ntony is to touch Calphurnia during the race to cure her of her sterility. It has been told by the elders that it will work.
T here are omens that appear every day that are to be feared and they are often signs from the Gods. These dictate how you live your life and what you do each day. Some of these include animals such as seeing owls, while others involve natural occurrences such as storms and lightning.
E xplaining to Brutus that Man can sometimes take control of their fate. Cassius uses many different tactics to try and find out if Brutus is likely to join his cause.

--- Dragontamer