The Three Fates

The Three Fates
Greek mythology believed that these women controlled your fate.

Omens of Gods

Omens of Gods
The Gods thought a storm signified bad omens.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Fate from Act I

F uture is told by a soothsayer to Caesar warning him to beware the Ides of March. He chooses to ignore this warning.
A ntony is to touch Calphurnia during the race to cure her of her sterility. It has been told by the elders that it will work.
T here are omens that appear every day that are to be feared and they are often signs from the Gods. These dictate how you live your life and what you do each day. Some of these include animals such as seeing owls, while others involve natural occurrences such as storms and lightning.
E xplaining to Brutus that Man can sometimes take control of their fate. Cassius uses many different tactics to try and find out if Brutus is likely to join his cause.

--- Dragontamer

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