The Three Fates

The Three Fates
Greek mythology believed that these women controlled your fate.

Omens of Gods

Omens of Gods
The Gods thought a storm signified bad omens.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Haikus for Fate vs. Freewill

Fate is decided
Warnings by one were ignored
Caesar is no more

Dreams of death arrive
The love for one will surprise
A life says good-bye

Letters will be made
A decision is in place
Brutus will disgrace

Rae Bae


  1. I'm so happy to see a works cited page, and the haikus and poem analysis get the job done nicely. The song certainly relates to your topic, but I don't see the two paragraphs that explain how the song relates to Julius Caesar (important piece of the assignment). You have until Friday to submit this for half credit.

  2. These were written well and nicely describe the play. They were creative and get the job done.
